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Know your competitors

Knowledge IS Power

No business is an island. For success, the business will need to deal with customers, suppliers, employees, and others. In almost all cases there will also be other organizations offering similar products to similar customers. These other organizations are competitors. And their objective is the same - to grow, make money and succeed. Effectively, the businesses are at war - fighting to gain the same resource and territory: the customer. And like in war, it is necessary to understand the enemy: how he thinks, what his strengths are, what his weaknesses are, where he is vulnerable, where he can be attacked, where the risk of attack is too great, and so on.

And like in war, the competitor will have secrets that can be the difference between profit and loss, expansion or bankruptcy for the business. Identifying these secrets is thus crucial for business survival.

-- AWARE competitive intelligence

This tool has been replaced by the CE Tool but has been left intact and operational.

The Basis of Marketing Success
Success in sales is measured not only in profit, but also - and crucially - in comparison to similar businesses and companies selling similar products.

This is competition, the foundation of capitalism, and what keeps any one company from controlling the market - that is, establishing a monopoly over a certain business sector. This keeps prices down and innovation growing, ultimately benefiting both consumers and businesses.

CompetitorEye on the Internet Marketplace
Marketing on the internet takes place at a breakneck speed - so much so that it is virtually impossible for a single business, on its own, to stay on top of its competitors' pricing trends while maintaining a top spot in the marketplace.

Using CompetitorEye's CE Tool and historical report reviews, you will be provided continuous updates on shifting trends in the marketplace and price adjustments by your competitors. You can take control of your own future as a sales provider in analysis of these trends and the current marketing climate.

Monitoring Your Competitors
Firstly, you will have to identify to CompetitorEye which providers you would like your business compared to. From a pull-down list, you can select either "competing merchants" or "all merchants" - that is, either those providers who are in direct competition with you, or all current competing merchants.

You may also choose to get comparisons in relation to the current Buy Box holders, or the default provider of your sales product as selected by Amazon.

It is important to note that as businesses frequently change their "store-front" names, CompetitorEye displays all variations of businesses, past and present, who may be or have been in competition with you.

Scanning Your Competitors
You can monitor your competition at many different points in time. You have the option to scan your competition currently, or "right now", as well as for today, the past 24 hours, since the last Sunday, for the past week, month, or year.

The marketplace can fluctuate minute-by-minute, so it is important to know at what rate you would like data to be processed.

You may further narrow your monitoring process to include only providers selling items in common with you, or Buy Box holders and competitors who sell their products with hidden prices. You can customize your monitoring process to suit you at all times.

A brief overview of our CompetitorEye technology:

Competitor Monitoring Merchants
Filtering only those merchants you feel are relative to this report.

The merchants "pull down" (PD) list works in conjunction with the Competing or All "radio check box" (RCB) options.

  • If Competing RCB is selected, the PD will contain a list of merchants in direct competition with you on at least one item as defined in your imported ASIN/product catalog.
  • If All PCB is selected, every merchant will be available for reporting.

You can select a specific merchant from the PD, or leave set to "all". Note, if competing RCB is selected and "All" is selected in the PD, all your current competing merchants will be considered and displayed.

Some merchants have multiple "store-fronts", and / or have changed their name over time. For example "Amazon" and "". We display all variations to choose from.

Competitor Monitoring Buy Box
This RCB controls what to do with the Merchants selection made above and requires the merchant, core or all to either own the Buy Box (depending on selection) or not own the buy but be one of the competitors, or either.

Competitor Monitoring SnapShots
This area allows you to choose your date and or time range. The default is to limit the results to the last seven days. The date buttons are considered "shortcuts" to populate the Scanned: date range.

The format can either be MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.

Competitor Monitoring of only those products you want
Allows you to narrow your result list to only those products you wish to view. Either by entering a specific ASIN or Sku. If a sku is used, it is wild carded before and after, meaning "123" can produce sku variations xxx123xxx and so on.

The manufacturer PD can be used in conjunction with the Sku or ASIN or on its own. The manufacturer PD list may change as you select Competing or All merchant types, excluding and including specific manufactures that are relevant. For example, if you selected the Competing RCB, the Manufacturer PD will load only those manufacturers you are selling from your active product catalog thereby eliminating "useless" options.

If a Manufacturer is selected, only products by that manufacturer will be reported.

By default only Items in common is selected, limiting the result set to only your exact active product catalog. Deselecting this will allow visibility to all products matching your other specifications and criteria.

With Hidden Prices will limit the result list to only those "Buy Box" or competitor's having hidden prices not shown to the customer.

Competitor Monitoring: Order of results
You may sort your results by any of the following means:

  • Review Date - Descending (Default)
  • Review Date - Ascending
  • ASIN - Descending
  • ASIN - Ascending
  • Sku - Descending
  • Sku - Ascending
  • Buy Box - Descending (Merchant Name)
  • Buy Box - Ascending (Merchant Name)

We currently allow a maximum of 5000 results per report run.

View generates the report. You can download each report by clicking the Export to .csv link.

Depending on your criteria and selections, some reports may be empty - meaning nothing could be located matching all your specific selections and requirements. Adjust your selections accordingly.

Competitor Monitoring: The results
The result set above is intended for demonstration purposes only, and does not truly represent a product, merchant, reseller and or pricing and stock.

The far left area is the general product detail block which will include Amazon's ASIN, the manufacturer and sku of the item, the snapshot date and time as well as Amazon's price, shipping, stock and delivered pricing regardless of Amazon being a competitor or Buy Box owner. This area may also include "Used" pricing and quantity if available.

The Buy Box area, identical to the competitor area displays the relevant information concerning which merchant will receive the sale when the customer on Amazon clicks the default "add to cart" button.

Availability (Stock) can have the following values: N/A, Yes, No, or a specific count if provided by the merchant.

A Green delivered dollar amount represents the merchant's price was hidden from the customer.

Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy
All product names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.