Providing the information you need for success:

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We provide your products' top 20 seller's delivered pricing & placement. The pricing data that matters to you. The pricing data that helps you make the most out of your marketing efforts. The data necessary to make the best, well informed marketing and product pricing decisions.
In our current economy, with consumers at the lowest end of their buying potential in decades, squeezed margins and countless "rivals", your organization's marketing strategy becomes more complex and less forgiving of strategic errors. One of the most important tools in your arsenal is to know exactly what your competition is doing, at this moment and historically as well as your own pricing and placement. This is where we come in, we provide the necessary real time competitor strategy information available, so you make timely and appropriate marketing decisions.

Getting Started

Pricing depends on several factors. Report count, frequency and delivery method. To fine tune, we provide a 7 day free trial!

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Account & Settings

Setting your account up is pretty painless. We only need basic information from you, then we will review and customize a streamlined onboarding process.

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Analysis & Customization

Beyond straight forward data to be used in your repricing strategies, we can provide detailed analysis and reporting for those price change events. Giving additional insights.

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